Prof.Shitangshu Kumar
Chakraborty Memorial Trust
Registered Office: B4/1, Diamond Park, Kolkata-700104, INDIA
+91 9339779253 / +91 8420753875

"Subject is the cause, object is the effect"
Prof. Chakraborty’s pioneering and profound contribution has been increasingly acknowledged e.g. the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in its Model Curriculum for Management Program(MBA & PGDM)(January 2018),which has been circulated among all B-Schools & other HEIs, states ‘a serious academic effort to develop the ethical component of Bharatiya Management is being conducted at the IIMC’s Management Center for Human Values (MCHV), headed by Professor S.K. Chakraborty’. It would be a great honour to ourselves as a Nation if we can live up to the ideals of this profoundly wise institution-builder, eminent thinker and management philosopher, knowledge-base developer, educator, trainer and above all a great visionary leader.

Prof Shitangshu Kumar Chakraborty, who withdrew from the material World of Finance to propagate the role of Human Values in Management, practised what he preached.In 1992 Management Centre for Human Values was set-up in IIM Calcutta as a self-financed entity. 25 years down-the-line it is still one of its type in India.

In 1993 as a mark of recognition towards his contributions in the field of management studies that he was conferred the Best Management Teacher Award by AIMA.Over the years he has authored and co-authored almost 40 books of which the last 30 are in the areas of Human Values and Ethics.
Prof.S.K.Chakraborty, IIM Joka

About The Trust
Prof Shitangshu Kumar Chakraborty, who withdrew from the material World of Finance to propagate the role of Human Values in Management, practised what he preached. He has authored 40 books and numerous papers/articles in this pioneering area. To pay our humble tribute to Prof Chakraborty's Mission, we (his relatives, friends, colleagues and students). We have formed the Trust on 2019 for research and education in this area for a better World. Prosper we must, but always with concern for humanity at large. Towards this end we need to control our greed and moderate our lifestyle. The process is our search.
Professor Shitangshu Kumar Chakraborty Memorial Trust
is a Registered Trust. It has four main duties:
To inculcate Human Values, Ethics, Leadership and Environmental sensitivities among the students and professionals and to inspire them for their social and moral upliftment.
To conduct and organize workshops, seminars,conferences, orations etc. for the students and executives of various organisations on the aforesaid themes based on Indian culture and ethos.
To carry out inter-disciplinary educational research on human values, ethics, leadership and stress management and bring out publications to spread the research findings among all sections of the society.
To promote human unity through values-oriented education and various social welfare activities and extend academic and research support to like-minded entities.